1 Moi moi,okpa - Akara, Pan-cakes
2 Beans - All rice meals, oil beans
3 Ede Coco (Cocondia) Semovita, Vita rice Akpu, Garri
4 Ji Abana (Water Yam) - Pounded, Pottage, Fried Yam etc
5 - - Irish and Sweat potato
6 - Brown spaghetti White Spaghetti noodes
7 Vegetable Soup, Nsala Egusi, Okoro, Ogbono, Onugbu Bangha, ofe Okwu
8 - Boiled stew + Little Vegetable Oil Fried Stew, Gravy, Egg Stew
9 Vegetable Salad (no cream) African Salad, Fruit Salad Vegetable Salad with cream
10 Bread Fruit (Ukwa) Boiled Groundnut Fried Groundnut
11 Mashed Unripe Plantain Roasted / Boiled Ripe Plantain Fried Ripe Plantain
12 Oat Meal Qwkaer Oats (no milk no sugar) Qwkaer Oats (+milk + sugar)
13 Millet and Guinea Corn - Boiled/ Roasted corn
14 Wheat meal - Custard Akamu
15 Wheat bread Brown bread Table bread
16 Smoked/Dry Fish Fried Fish -
17 Smoked/Dry Beef/Goat Fried Beef/Goat All type of pork
18 Roasted/Plain Boiled Chicken Fried Chicken(no skin) -
19 Boiled Kidney, Liver, GizzardFried Kidney, Liver, Gizzard -
20 Towel, Shakie, Goat head - Kpomo, Kanda skin
21 Boiled Eggs - Fried eggs
22 Fat free Milk, Soy Milk, Skimmed Milk Powdered Milk (little amount) Condensed and Evaporated Milk, Fresh Dairy Milk
23 Afufa, Anyara, Cucumber Lime, Grape fruit, Coconuts Oranges, Apples, Water Melon, Small Grapes, Pear, Banana
24 Tea(no milk, sugar) Herbal Tea, Ice Tea Bournvita, Tea + Milk + Sugar
25 Soda Water, Table water Tonic water Soft drinks, Malt, Can juice, 5-Alive, all Alcohol
26 - - Ice Cream, Yoghurt
27 - Crackers Snacks, Biscuits, Sweets, Chocolate, Chewing Gum
28 Wheatabix+non fat milk only Wheatbix+Milk only Cornflakes, Rice Crispes, Frostees etc + milk + sugar